Schlagwort-Archive: JIRA

JIRA DVCS Connector – GitLab Support

Have you ever searched for a way to integrate JIRA with GitLab? Atlassian has a very good connector for GitHub and BitBucket – the JIRA DVCS Connector plugin. This plugin is Open Source (hosted on BitBucket) and can therefore be extended.

Recently I have been extending the JIRA DVCS connector with GitLab support. For now, sync of repositories and all their commits is working for JIRA 6.3.x. The code can be found here:

The addition is using the Gitlab Java API Wrapper by Tim Olshansky.

The next steps are (Pull Requests welcome!):

  1. Cleanup and create a pull request to integrate back into the official Atlassian Repo
  2. Port the code for JIRA 6.4.x and newer versions